We're building Swinburne's next_gen Student Life, together.

Your Voice.
Our Future.

We're building the first blended student-led services body at Swinburne – the first organisation of its kind at a Victorian University.

The new Single Student Body will be known as ‘Swinburne Student Association’ -- bringing together Swinburne’s best and brightest minds, students and staff, to co-design and co-deliver a world class next-gen student experience at Swinburne.

The next_gen Student Life project will see the amalgamation of Student Life and the Student Union into Swinburne Student Association commencing from September 2024, subject to student endorsement in April 2024.

The proposed single student-led organisation will provide a central place for students to connect with student services and student representation, providing a Single Student Body that responds to our needs and expectations as part of a world class next_gen student experience.

Services and functions of the next_gen Student Life Project

The Swinburne Student Association will oversee the delivery of key student service areas including Advocacy, Clubs and Societies, Sports and Fitness, Student Wellbeing and Student Leadership.

  • The pathway towards a Single Student Body at Swinburne has been comprehensive, comprising of the following key phases:
  • July 2022 – Commencement of consultation on Swinburne’s Student Experience Framework
  • December 2022 – Endorsement of Swinburne’s first Student Experience Framework by Swinburne’s University Council
  • January 2023 – the release of the SSU’s Roadmap ‘Towards a Single Student Body’
  • January 2023 –Re-convened the Citizens Assembly to endorse a single student-led student services organisation at Swinburne.
  • March 2023 – The creation of Swinburne’s Single Student Body Project Advisory Group (SSB-PAG) to co-design the new student body for Swinburne students
  • June 2023 – The SSB-PAG provides the proposed student design of the new body to Swinburne for consideration.
  • July 2023 – University appoints Consultant to provide independent advice on ultimate design to the University.
  • September 2023 – Recommendations from Swinburne's consultant lodged to inform the ultimate design of the new Single Student Body
  • November 2023 – SSB-PAG endorses the final design of the Single Student Body
  • December 2023 – University Council approves to proceed with the creation of the Swinburne Student Association (subject to a student validation process).

  • The creation of the Swinburne Student Association is subject to detailed transition planning and implementation work and the formal endorsement of the new model by the Swinburne student community through a formal student vote to occur in April 2024.

Student Vote

This exciting intergenerational project is subject to the will of the student population. The ‘Our Swinburne Project’, funded by Swinburne Student Union, will consult, educate and build public support for the new model when students go to have their say on the model in April 2024.

Our successful campaign throughout 2023 highlighted the profound benefits of a student-led student services body. We’re looking forward to getting on with it.

Timeline to the formation of the Swinburne Student Association

Benefits for you


The next_gen Student Life project will empower students to participate in student life at all levels.


Swinburne Student Association will be student-led, voluntary and there will be no joining fee to access services.

One Swinburne

No more confusion about Student Life and Student Union. They’ll be the same thing!


More of your money will be spent on the student services that matter through less duplication, more accountability and transparency.



The proposed design of the Swinburne Student Association is now publicly available. Further information regarding the Swinburne Student Association will be made available in the future.

Operations (Student Service Areas)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Swinburne University is invested in delivering the best student experience through the creation of a Single Student Body at Swinburne. Swinburne will present the option for a student wide consultation process in April next year with the ultimate progression to a new single body by the end of 2024.

The proposed steps towards the creation of the ‘Swinburne Student Association’ include:

  • December 2024 – Student engagement forums and activations on student life on campus under the Swinburne Student Association
  • September 2024 – Student elections will occur to elect the new student leaders of the SSA.
  • October 2024 onwards – the SSA formally commences

Check out Swinburne's next_gen experience hub for updates in relation to the next_gen Student Life project here - https://www.swinburne.edu.au/life-at-swinburne/next-gen-experience

Over the course of 2024, Swinburne students will be regularly consulted and engaged through forums, surveys and Town Hall forums. The Swinburne Student Union alongside Swinburne University will be hosting student forums and other engagement opportunities as we progress the creation of the Swinburne Student Association.

The new association will deliver the following services that are currently provided by Swinburne Student Life and Swinburne Student Union, including:

  • Student Wellbeing and Advice services including Advocacy as well as Tax, Legal and Finance assistance.
  • Clubs and Societies
  • Sports and Fitness
  • Student Representation and Engagement (including Collectives)
  • Student Events
  • Student Media
  • Student Welfare including Foodbank, Breakfast Club and the MYKI Transport Assistance Program.

Our transformation program will be significant. That’s why we’re backing a small number of services to be university led as we build appropriate expertise and capability to deliver a world class student experience. These services include:

  • The coordination of the Orientation Program at Swinburne
  • Multi-faith Centre
  • Limited Student Partnership services

The new logo will be designed in consultation with students. Watch this space for further information.

They’ll become one under the Swinburne Student Association. The proposed design of the Swinburne Student Association can be found in the ‘documents’ section of this website.

They’ll become bigger and better. Students will benefit from a strengthened and better resourced single student organisation delivering all of the services you need for a world class next_gen student experience.

Read more about Swinburne’s Student Experience Framework here - Student Experience Framework | Swinburne

This is the exciting part. You'll play a role in helping us shape what these look like between April and September of this year as we engage students on the key services for a next_gen student life at Swinburne.

Stay tuned for further information.

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